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The Zoom Waiting Room
Ideally speakers Join 15 Minutes Before the Session Start
- Once the meeting has started you will see two options
- Join Meeting as co-host
- Join Meeting as attendee
- If you are a speaker join as co-host
- If you join as attendee you will need to be made co-host later
Participant Settings
The participant settings can be managed via the Participant Icon
- Click on Participants and then “...” and confirm Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves matches the settings that suit your conference
Mute / Unmute Participants
If you do not allow them to unmute themselves you can hover over a participants name and choose Ask to Unmute. This will allow them to speak freely.
Attendee view, raise hand

Screen Sharing
- Click Share Screen in the Zoom Control panel to select what you wish to share
- If you plan to share a video clip or pre-recording of your session choose Share Computer Sound
- Do not click Optimize full screen video clip. This will compress your video and make it too choppy and make most text in a video illegible.
Screen Sharing Best Practices
- Before starting your broadcast close any other windows / tabs
- Close anything that might create a pop-up notification (Outlook, Teams, Slack, Skype)
- Practice sharing your screen with a partner or if you are practicing by yourself choose the Record option to watch how your presentation looks.
- Get a free Zoom account at https://zoom.us/signup
Set Your Virtual Background
- Click on the arrow next to Start Video and Choose Virtual Background
- The virtual background will work even if you don’t have a green screen. If you have a bookshelf or a lot of angles, the virtual background won’t work well.
- Please check our conference website for the official virtual backgrounds for download.
Camera Views
Active Speaker
Gallery Grid
- By default the active speaker is shown
- Right click a speaker and choose Spotlight Video to keep focus on them. Right click again and choose Cancel Spotlight when done
- Polls can be setup in advance or during a meeting by the Primary Host
- Co-Hosts can launch polls.
- Click Polls, choose from available polls, then click Launch Polling
- The chat feature can be used to communicate with attendees throughout the meeting.
- Hosts can select who to chat with, either everyone or a specific attendee privately, and can also upload files if it is enabled.
- Clicking the ellipses icon in the chat allows you to chose who people can chat with during the meeting.
Special Feature: Breakout Rooms
- You can move people around by hovering over them and choosing Move to.
- Click Open All Rooms to move people into the breakout rooms.
- Note: Automatic recording does not work in breakout rooms
- You as the host can join any breakout room
- You can send a Broadcast Message to All Rooms
- You can also Close All Rooms to bring people back into the main room
- Participants in a breakout room can message the host as well by clicking the question mark.