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Future Fair Rules & Regulations
The rules and regulations contained herein are part of all the Future Fair booth purchases. CUR reserves the right to enforce these rules and regulations, as well as to make final decisions on all points covered or not covered in these rules and regulations. CUR reserves the right to decline or remove any institution/company that, in its judgment, is not suitable or not keeping with the character of the Future Fair. At its discretion, CUR may accept or reject any application for the virtual Future Fair booth space. CUR shall have full authority to interpret or amend these rules, and its decision is final.
Data and Photo Use + Code of Conduct
Those purchasing agree to adhere to the CUR Event's Policies and Procedures, including the Data and Photo Use Policy.
CUR and NCUR Logos
The CUR and NCUR logos are the property of CUR and may not be used without the permission of Show Management.
Payment Terms
To receive the early-bird registration rate, payment and registration must be received by December 31, 2023. To receive the regular registration rate, payment must be received by March 1, 2024. Failure to submit payment will result in the cancellation of your booth slot.
Cancellation Policy
CUR will honor cancellation requests and provide a refund, less a $50 processing fee, for all requests submitted in writing no later than March 1, 2024. No refunds will be permitted after March 1. Please submit cancellation requests in writing to NCUR@CUR.org.
Substitution Policy
Transfer of registration to another individual before the cancellation deadline is free of charge but subject to member classification charges due to differences in conference rates. Transfer of registration after the cancellation deadline will be charged a $50.00 transfer fee. Institutions may not substitute one participant for another without prior approval of the CUR National Office. In the event of a medical emergency after the cancellation deadline, please contact NCUR@CUR.org to provide documentation so an extension of the refund policy can be considered.
No-Show Policy
An institution/company will be considered a no-show if its booth space is not prepared for viewing on the show days selected. The institution/company shall be deemed to have cancelled and will forfeit their booth space. The booth space may be assigned to another institution/company or be used by Show Management. CUR will not provide a refund to the institution/company. The institution/company will be responsible for all expenses from the decorator and convention center.
Staffing and Use of Space
Booths should be “staffed” during specified future fair-only hours so participants can engage with institution/company representatives. All activities must be confined to the limits of the allocated booth and must not interfere with the activity of other institutions/companies participating in the grad fair. The booth package includes two full access event passes for booth staff.
Any institution/company having a contest or drawing of any kind must follow all governmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. It is the institution/company’s responsibility to make sure they correctly follow all rules and regulations. Any violations will be the sole expense and fault of the institution/company. CUR is not responsible or liable for any contests, drawings or giveaways held prior, during or after the meeting.
Subletting of Space
CUR strictly prohibits the sharing or “co-opting” of Future Fair space unless institutions/companies share the same parent institution/company, or one institution/company is the subsidiary of the other. Request must be submitted to CUR for approval prior to conference and proof is required. Institution/company shall not assign, sublet, or share any space allocated to them nor advertise or display goods other than those manufactured or sold by them in the regular course of their business. Space assigned to the institution/company is for their exclusive use.
CUR considers the practice of Suitcasing and/or Outboarding to be unethical business conduct and strictly prohibits both practices. Suitcasing refers to the practice of companies or persons who attend shows as attendees but “work the aisles” from their suitcase (briefcase), soliciting business from other participants. Outboarding refers to non-supporting companies who set events separate from the event platform and encourage attendees to leave the event platform and spend time with them. For the good of the event, the only legitimate place to conduct business during show hours is within the exhibit hall. There is to be no sales messaging by non-participating institutions within chat functions of the NCUR. All violations will be directed to Show Management for penalties and sanctions against the violating company. Participating institutions/companies are encouraged to protect their investment and report any violations immediately to Show Management.
Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
Any institution/company found in violation of these rules and regulations may be subject to any or all the following remedies at the sole discretion of Show Management.
- Access to the event and/or booth are deactivated.
- The booth is forfeited and removed for the remainder of the show or until the situation is remedied.
- Exclusion from participating in future CUR events.
Future Fair - NCUR FAQs
We are diligently working to finalize our Exhibitor Services Kit and Online Profile Packet. Below are some answers to key questions you may have.
Question: Have You Booked Your Room?
Answer: Housing blocks and rates are available. You are encouraged to book now as we have limited space at surrounding hotels in Long Beach. Please reserve your spot using our reservation links. You can explore housing rates and information here.
Question: How Do I Make My Exhibitor Profile?
Answer: Links to create your exhibitor profile will be sent in January 2024 to the email address used to register for your booth. From that link, you will create your profile that will be displayed on our event mobile app.
Question: How Do I Register My Booth Personnel?
Answer: Information on registering your booth personnel will be emailed in January 2024. Each package purchased will get you two complimentary registrations to NCUR. You will also be able to add on additional registrants for a fee. You can view our fees for additional registrants here.
Question: How Do I Decorate My Booth?
Answer: We are currently getting our Exhibitor Services Kit and Online Profile Form ready for you. In February 2024, you will receive an email directly from our Exhibitor Services vendor, Fern, on steps for decorating your booth, ordering additional items such as wifi and electrical, and mailing your booth items.
Question: Is there an option to ship our recruitment items to the conference prior to the event?
Answer: Yes, we are currently finalizing the Exhibitor Services Kit which will outline how to send your booth or table décor to the conference, cost of packaging and shipping via our vendors since we are at a convention center this year, and more. This will be emailed to registered exhibitors in January/February 2024. Most likely, shipments will be available to be received 3 weeks prior to the event.
Question: Will NCUR ship our items back to exhibitors?
Answer: Exhibitors are in charge of coordinating all the shipping with our vendor who will be sending you the Exhibitor Services Kit. It will be similar to other convention centers/trade shows. At the clean-up of the event, you will drop off your packages that you have pre-paid to ship back to a specific location and the company will ship them back for you.
Question: When can exhibitors get access to pre-shipped items to ensure everything arrives accordingly?
Answer: You will get access to the items at the time of set up of the event. However, if you have any questions, I am sure the vendor, Fern, will be happy to answer them.
Question: Are we required to set up/tear down our table/booth daily?
Answer: There will be one set up day which will occur on Monday, April 8 and one tear down, which will occur at 5PM on Wednesday, April 10.
Question: Is the convention center exhibitor hall secure enough to leave our items on the table for the duration of the conference?
Answer: The space will be secure to leave your set up, but we highly recommend and encourage you to take all valuable items such as phones, laptops, etc. with you when leaving for the night.
Question: I ordered Package #2. When and where Do I Send My Ads To?
Answer: If you purchased our Package #2 option for a 10x10 booth including ad placements in our Know Before You Go Emails as well as on our event app, we will be reaching out to the contact on file come February 2024 with deadlines, placement dates, ad specs, and more.
