Question: When is NCUR 2025?
Answer: NCUR 2025 will be held in Pittsburgh, PA on April 7-9, 2025.
Question: When will the submission portal open for NCUR 2025?
Answer: The submission portal will open on September 10, 2024 and will remain open until December 6, 2024.
Scheduling and Sessions
Question: Can I request a specific presentation date and time?
Answer: We are not able to accommodate requests for specific presentation dates or times. We do encourage participants to attend the entire conference as it is an excellent opportunity to see, hear, and support fellow researchers and their presentations. Also, there are a number of special events planned throughout the conference. We hope you’ll want to participate and enjoy these added experiences.
When registering for the conference, please understand that your presentation may be scheduled for any day and time between 4:00 pm ET on Monday, April 7, 2025, and 4:45 pm ET on Wednesday, April 9, 2025.
Question: How do I make sure I don't miss the opening and closing ceremonies?
Answer: The Opening Plenary will be held on Monday at 3:00 pm ET and the Closing Plenary will be held on Wednesday at 10:30 am ET. Show up early for the best seats!
NCUR Account Creation/Log In
Question: How do I create an NCUR 2025 account?
Answer: Login or create a new CUR Account using your institutional email. Note: This account will be used for actions related to NCUR 2025 such as submitting an abstract, registering, etc. and includes basic information such as first name, last name, email address, password, etc. Please make sure to link your institution to your account during your account creation.
Question: How can I receive emails about NCUR 2025?
Answer: Once you have created an NCUR 2025 account, your email address will be automatically added to the mailing list for the conference. You can create an account even if you aren't sure yet whether you will submit an abstract.
Question: I’m not receiving emails from NCUR 2025. What should I do?
Answer: Please add to your contact list to avoid missing important emails from NCUR about your abstract and your submission status. You will be notified by email confirming the submission of your abstract, and you will receive notification of your abstract submission status in mid-January 2025. If you do not receive either of those notifications, be sure to check your email account's SPAM folder. It is also possible that you misspelled your email when you submitted your abstract, which means you will not receive any emails in return. You can log back into the system and check the status of your abstract. Email with questions or corrections to your email address.
Question: May faculty advisors and mentors present with their student advisees at NCUR?
Answer: No, NCUR is a presentation opportunity for undergraduate research students only. However, there are specific mentor-led submission opportunities in the abstract submission form.
Question: When do campus coordinators need to make an account?
Answer: Campus coordinators who will be registering and/or paying for a group from their institution are encouraged to make sure they have a CUR Account. Please note that as a campus coordinator, you are responsible for communicating with your students that your name and information is listed correctly when they submit their research abstract. This information will be used for communication throughout the process. If the data is correct, you will receive a confirmation email per submission.
Eligibility to Submit/Present at NCUR 2025
Question: If I am a high school student enrolled in a dual-enrollment program, am I eligible to participate in NCUR 2025?
Answer: Yes, provided you have completed the research.
Question: If I am graduating in December 2024 am I eligible to participate?
Answer: Yes, as long as the research was performed while you were an undergraduate. However, you may want to check with your institution as they may not be able to pay the registration fee for a student who has already graduated. You may register on your own; institutional payment is not required.
Question: May I submit an abstract if I am no longer a college student?
Answer: Yes, if the research was done while you were an undergraduate student. However, you may want to check with your institution as they may not be able to pay the registration fee for a student who has already graduated. You may register on your own; institutional payment is not required.
Question: If I am an international student am I eligible to participate in this event?
Answer: Yes! international students are eligible and encouraged to apply for NCUR.
Abstract Submission/Revision/Withdrawal
Question: Does my project need to be completed before I present it?
Answer: Projects do not have to be completed at the time of submission. If your project hasn't been complete prior to the abstract submission deadline, you can use phrases such as "I anticipate that the results will be...". Please summarize what has been done so far, and what you hope to finish by the time of the conference.
Question: Can I submit already published or formerly presented work?
Answer: Yes, NCUR allows students to submit previously published or previously presented work during abstract submission.
Question: Should I submit my abstract, or should my faculty mentor/campus coordinator submit my abstract?
Answer: Abstracts must be submitted by the primary presenter, not a faculty mentor/campus coordinator
Question: How do you select abstracts?
Answer: Abstracts are reviewed for general adherence to disciplinary standards.
Question: Can I present research at NCUR 2025 that was recently presented at a state or local conference?
Answer: Yes, you can present material at NCUR 2025 that was presented elsewhere, if your institution allows.
Question: I am not sure what to choose for the field of study. Can you help?
Answer: Please read the entire list of fields before choosing the most appropriate for your research. If concerns remain, we suggest you discuss the appropriate field with your mentor(s).
Question: Is there a format for abstract submissions? Is there a length restriction?
Answer: Yes. Abstracts must be limited to 300 words. Complete instructions and formatting information are provided on the abstract submission page.
Question: May I attach a table and graph to my abstract?
Answer: No. You should only include text in the abstract. The abstract can summarize the table and graph, but only text can be submitted.
Question: May I include a reference page in my abstract? If so, will that be counted in the word requirement?
Answer: You may leave the references out of the abstract to save space. These can be included in the formal poster.
Question: May I mail or fax in my abstract?
Answer: No. All abstracts must be submitted using the abstract submission page. If your abstract contains special characters that cannot be typed into the form, you may include a link to a Web version of your abstract.
Question: The research I wish to present was done over the summer at an independent research laboratory and is not one of the institutions listed. How should I submit my abstract?
Answer: List the school you are enrolled in as your institution. You should mention the host facility in your abstract and presentation. When creating account, make sure to include your home institution.
Question: My research mentor is an MD/PhD student completing doctoral research. Does this person qualify as my faculty mentor? Or should I list the name of the faculty member who runs the lab I work in?
Answer: The faculty member who runs the lab, not a MD/PhD student, should be listed as the mentor.
Question: Can I present a paper in Spanish from a course on Spanish or Latin American literatures?
Answer: Yes. A presentation can be given in Spanish, but the abstract should be written in English. Please indicate in your abstract that the talk will be given in Spanish so attendees will know.
Question: Should I write my abstract for nonscientists or for scientists in my field? In other words, should I assume that the reviewer is familiar with relevant terminology?
Answer: Your abstract will be reviewed by faculty with expertise in your field. After your abstract has been accepted, you should consider planning your presentation to be understood by audience members who don’t have the same depth of knowledge. They may be genuinely interested in your research but not have the same background.
Question: Can I revise my abstract once it is submitted?
Answer: No. Depending on the outcome of the review process, you may be asked to revise after the review. That information will be shared upon abstract decision notification.
Question: I submitted my abstract without consulting my faculty mentor or research coordinator in advance. Can my abstract be withdrawn? Once I have their approval, will I be able to resubmit before the deadline?
Answer: You may withdraw your abstract at any time. There will be a menu option to do so upon logging into the submission portal. You may submit a new abstract provided you do so before the posted deadline.
Question: Are students who attend two-year colleges allowed to present at NCUR 2025?
Answer: Absolutely, we highly encourage students who attend two-year colleges to apply for NCUR.
Question: Can there be more than one submission per university or college?
Answer: Yes. Most universities or colleges send multiple students to NCUR each year.
Question: Is a faculty letter of recommendation required to be considered for NCUR?
Answer: No. It is assumed that when the faculty mentor’s contact information is provided that they approve of the submission. When the abstract is submitted, the faculty mentor will receive an email indicating the submission.
Question: How selective is NCUR? I would like to know the approximate percentage of abstracts accepted in recent years to help demonstrate the high quality of work presented at NCUR to administrators at my university.
Answer: Typically, 80-90% of the abstracts submitted are accepted each year.
Question: Once my abstract is accepted, is there a deadline for withdrawing my abstract prior to the conference?
Answer: There is no formal deadline for withdrawing your abstract. If you plan to withdraw, please let us know as soon as you can so we can adjust the schedule. Please email with your request to withdraw your abstract.
Question: Do faculty members/advisors have to accompany student presenters to the conference?
Answer: No. Students usually travel as part of a group from a school.
Question: How many co-presenters are allowed per submission?
Answer: Each submission can contain a primary presenter and up to two co-presenters.
Question: What is the difference between the author line and co-presenters?
Answer: The author line includes individuals you would like to credit associated with your abstract (not all authors need to be attending presenters). The Primary presenter should be listed first followed by co-presenters and then any other contributor(s) you would like to credit (e.g. mentor, etc.). Co-presenters listed are those who will register and attend the conference to present alongside the primary presenter.
Question: If I am a co-presenter, should I also submit a separate copy of the abstract?
Answer: No, please only have one person submit the abstract. Duplicate abstracts will not be accepted for the same group of presenters.
Question: How do I delete an incomplete submission?
Answer: Go to 'My Account', select 'Incomplete', and select 'Remove' the abstract you would like to delete. Note: You will not have this option under the 'All' view.
Presentation Format Guidelines
Question: What are the Presentation Format Guidelines?
Answer: Descriptions of available presentation formats can be found on the How to Submit page or within the online submission form.
Question: Will there be any form of session judging and/or awards given out to participants who excel in their given session?
Answer: No, this is not typically done; however, we sometimes have some sponsors who provide awards.
Question: My research outcome and focus changed from my original abstract and now they are no longer in line. Is it possible to submit a new, updated abstract?
Answer: If you wish to create a new submission you will need to withdraw your original submission and re-submit your new abstract prior to the posted submission deadline of December 6, 2024. You will have a menu option to withdraw upon logging into the submission system.
Question: May I give both an oral and poster presentation?
Answer: You may if it is on different data or results. Typically, the same results are not presented twice at the same conference.
Question: If I am giving an Oral Presentation, is a PowerPoint mandatory? And is it OK if I go under the 15 minutes time allotted before opening it up for questions?
Answer: No, you do not have to use PowerPoint. The 15 minutes is the maximum time; you can certainly take less time.
Question: For students presenting posters, can they mail them in advance rather than trying to take them on a plane?
Answer: We do not have space to store posters, but you could check to see if you can mail the posters to your hotel.
Question: What, if any, is the dress code for student presenters?
Answer: There is no dress code, but good advice would be to dress casually and professionally. You do not need to be as formal as wearing a suit and tie or dress. But sweats or torn jeans would likely distract from your presentation. Also, a tip to the wise: Wear sensible shoes and check the local weather.
Question: What will be the registration fees for NCUR 2025?
Answer: Registration fees are tied to institutional CUR membership. See the Register page for additional information.
Question: What are the mentor's responsibilities? Do they need to apply, as well? Are they required to pay a fee even if they aren't going with the applicant?
Answer: The mentor does not need to go to NCUR with the student. However, if the mentor attends NCUR they will need to register for the conference.
Question: What does registration include?
Answer: Registration includes access to motivational plenary speakers, special mentor-led sessions, student research presentations, a future fair, and a party at the Heinz History Center. Not included in the registration fees are incidental expenses, additional meals, travel costs, hotel costs, or any self-organized excursion costs. Conference-provided food will include a light snack during the Elevating the Arts on April 7, 2025, a light morning snack option on April 8-9, 2025, and a light reception on April 8, 2025. There will be an option to register with or without lunch. The lunch option needs to be pre-ordered during registration and will not be offered onsite. All other meals are on your own. Concessions will be open at the Convention Center and there will be nearby restaurant options.
Question: Can I mail or fax in the conference registration form?
Answer: No. Registration will only be processed through our website.
Question: What is the deadline to register?
Answer: Early registration will be available from January14-31, 2025. Regular registration opens February 1, 2025 and closes on March 7, 2025. Conference registration fees may be paid using a credit card, or check.
Question: What is the deadline to pay for registration?
Answer: Full payment for all registrations is due no later than March 14, 2025. Even if your abstract has been accepted, you will not be issued a registration badge or put into the program until full payment has been received. We are NOT able to accept late registration payments.
Question: If I am a co-presenter and someone else has submitted the abstract, do I still need to register for NCUR?
Answer: Yes. All presenters and co-presenters must register for NCUR 2025 to be eligible to attend and present.
Question: If we fail to register before March 7, 2025, and pay before March 14, 2025, then are we automatically out of the conference?
Answer: Even if your abstract has been accepted, you will not be issued a registration badge or put into the program until registration is complete by March 7, 2025 and full payment has been issued by March 14, 2025. We are not able to accept late registration payments.
Question: How can we notify NCUR if we are unable to come?
Answer: If you cannot attend, please contact us as soon as possible at
Question: Is there any requirement that the student, the adviser, or the college be a member of CUR in order for the student to present at NCUR?
Answer: No, there is not a CUR membership requirement for anyone on the abstract to submit or attend NCUR. However, registration fees vary based on the membership level of the institution or individual.
Question: Are faculty mentors required to register for NCUR 2025?
Answer: Faculty mentors who wish to participate in NCUR 2025 will need to register. Please see Register page for more information.
Question: What are the cancellation policies for the conference?
Answer: CUR will honor cancellation requests and provide a refund, less a $50 processing fee, for all requests submitted in writing no later than March 7, 2025. No refunds will be permitted after March 7, 2025. Please submit cancellation requests in writing to
Question: What are the substitution policies for the conference?
Answer: Transfer of registration to another individual before the cancellation deadline is free of charge but subject to member classification charges due to differences in conference rates. Transfer of registration after the cancellation deadline will be charged a $50 transfer fee but cannot be accepted after March 24, 2025 due to being too close to the event. Institutions may not substitute one participant for another without prior approval of the CUR National Office. In the event of a medical emergency after the cancellation deadline, please contact to provide documentation so an extension of the refund policy can be considered.
Question: Can I mail or fax in the conference registration form?
Answer: No, registration will only be processed through our website. However, payment can be sent via check to the CUR National Office at the address below. Please reference the name of the individual(s) and the institution when sending in the payment:
Council on Undergraduate Research
Attn: NCUR Registration
PO Box 69640
Baltimore, Maryland 21264-9640
Overnight checks can be sent to:
Council on Undergraduate Research
Attn: NCUR Registration
Box #69640
1800 Washington Blvd. 8th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Question: If we fail to register and pay by the deadline, then are we automatically out of the conference?
Answer: Yes. You must register and pay the registration fee by the deadline in order to be included in the conference. We will not be able to accept late registration payments and will not have onsite registration.
Question: What payments are accepted for registration?
Answer: Accepted forms of payment for registration are credit card (via VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express) or check. Registration payment must be received in full by the posted deadline. If payment is not received by March 14, 2025, you will be removed from the conference program. Make checks payable to the Council of Undergraduate Research, please indicate NCUR in the “for” line.
Question: Are Purchase Orders (POs) accepted for NCUR 2025 registrations?
Answer: No. We are unable to accept purchase orders for NCUR 2025 registration payments. Payment must be remitted in the form of check or credit card by March 14, 2025. Registrants for whom payment is not received by this deadline will be removed from the conference program.
Question: Will I be issued a registration badge?
Answer: Registration badges will be issued for all registered participants.
Question: Where can I get my registration badge?
Answer: Participants may pick up their registration badges at conference check-in times. See the Agenda page for additional details on dates and times.
Question: What if I lose my registration badge?
Answer: Since your registration badge is needed for all aspects of the conference, we recommend you do not lose your badge. However, if you have an issue with a lost badge please report to attendee check-in.
Question: Can my family member attend my presentation? Is there a fee?
Answer: A special 1-hour visitor pass is available for family members who wish to watch their student present at NCUR. This special visitor pass is only available for family members of presenting students and should not be used for students, faculty, or mentors. Visitor passes will be held under the student’s name at the onsite help desk, and visitors must sign in and return their passes after the presentation concludes. Passes can be purchased under the student’s CUR login between now and March 19, 2025. Please submit requests in writing to
Question: Can students who are not presenting at NCUR attend the conference as a learning experience?
Answer: Yes, registration is available for both presenting and non-presenting students.
Lodging, Transporation, and Meals
Question: What hotels are available in the Pittsburgh area?
Answer: You can see hotel options and information on making reservations on the Travel & Lodging page.
Question: Will there be a shuttle service from our hotel?
Answer: Shuttle service will not be provided.
Question: Are meals provided at the conference?
Answer: Conference-provided food will include a light snack during the Elevating the Arts on April 7, 2025, a light morning snack option on April 8-9, 2025, and a light reception on April 8, 2025. There will be an option to register with or without lunch. The lunch option needs to be pre-ordered during registration and will not be offered onsite. All other meals are on your own. Concessions will be open at the Convention Center and there will be nearby restaurant options.
Information for Campus Coordinators
Question: Do you have a downloadable cheat sheet with key information for campus coordinators?
Answer: A downloadable PDF is available here.
Question: What is an NCUR Coordinator?
Answer: An NCUR Coordinator is a faculty advisor or institutional contact in charge of collecting and paying invoices (or being the point of contact to collect payment) for student registrations for NCUR. This person is normally your campus’ research office director or undergraduate research program director. In the absence of such an individual, it may be a faculty member who has been designated with the task of overseeing a cohort of students attending NCUR. If there is not a designated cohort of students, this may simply be the faculty mentor.
Question: I am receiving information about being a coordinator and am no longer one or I need to add an additional coordinator. How can I change this?
Answer: If you believe another individual from your institution should be listed as the NCUR coordinator (or as an additional NCUR coordinator) please email as soon as possible to let us know. Further email communications about invoicing and payment are dependent upon us having the correct person listed.
Question: Do you have a downloadable flyer I can use to promote this event on my campus to faculty and students.
Answer: A downloadable flyer is available here.
Question: How do I access a Coordinator Report?
Answer: Please email if you need a custom report set up to access a listing of students with submitted abstracts to see the status as they progress through the submission process from inception, update, review, and approval or rejection.
Question: What is the registration process/timeline?
Answer: All presenting students (primary and co-presenters) must be registered. All mentors who will be attending to support students must also be registered. The registration pathways are detailed below.
Individual vs. Group Registration:
• Individual Registration: Participants can register and pay as individuals at the time of registration.
• **New Group Registration: As a campus coordinator, you will have an option to complete a group registration. In order to access this registration option, make sure you have a CUR Account set up. Note: The group registration pathway will have an option to email an invoice if an email address is entered or there is an option to print an invoice after completing the process. Please make sure you have all of the registration details prior to creating your group registration so you won’t have to exit the system and start over. A registration detail template is available here.
Lunch Options:
• With Lunch: Register by selecting the "with lunch" option during registration. The total fee will include the cost of lunch for each participant.
• Without Lunch: To register without lunch, please select the "without lunch" option during registration.
Note: The lunch option needs to be pre-ordered during registration and will not be offered onsite. Once the registration is complete, this option cannot be changed. Lunch buffet will cover a variety of dietary options and be announced prior to registration opening.
Payment Options:
Individual: Credit card only
Group: Credit card, check, or ACH
Key Deadlines:
• Abstract Reviewer Sign-up Deadline: November 15, 2024
• Abstract Submission Deadline: December 6, 2024
• Abstract Decisions Released and Registration Opens: January 14, 2024
• Early Registration Deadline: January 31, 2025
• Hotel Reservation Guarantee and Rooming List Deadline for Group Sub-Blocks: February 15, 2025
• Hotel Reservation Cancellation Deadline: February 17, 2025
• Final Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025
• Full Payment Deadline for All Registrations: March 14, 2025
• Hotel Cut-off Date: March 17, 2025 (or until sold out)
Question: What happens if our institution does not pay by March 14, 2025?
Answer: A submitted registration form with no corresponding payment after March 14, 2025, is not considered a complete registration and will result in the registrant(s) being dropped from the conference. All unpaid registration badges will be held at the help desk at NCUR registration.
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