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It is with great excitement that the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire will be hosting the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) April 13-15.

This exciting event brings students from all over the nation to present their scholarship as posters, oral presentations, performances, and visual arts displays over the course of a 2.5- day period.

As host of this phenomenal event, we hope to recruit a large pool of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers! We are seeking volunteers for multiple shifts over multiple days which provides a great opportunity to fulfill 15 or 30 Service-Learning hours, meet influential people, and represent the institution you call home!

Please visit our Volunteer site to register for opportunities. Additional information will be provided closer to the event date but, for now, please mark your calendars with any shifts for which you signed-up. All classes during this time will be redirected to the NCUR event so please plan accordingly. 

We look forward to serving with you!

UWEC Student and Staff Opportunities 

There are endless volunteer opportunities for groups, classes, and individuals. These opportunities are broken into four categories: NCUR Fairs/Session, Community Engagement/Excursions, Hospitality and Lead Volunteers. Shifts vary in length from one to five hours. 

STUDENT ORGS: Those who volunteer as a group on behalf of their student organization are eligible to receive money for their org! Specifically, we are looking for student organizations to help with the Futures Fair. Because the fair is revenue-generating (vendors pay to participate), we can donate to the student organizations that staff the Futures Fair, the Transfer Fair and the Fair Prep Zone. Times/Dates of the Fair can be found here.

If you'd like to volunteer as a part of your org, please email Taylor Zeimet at zeimettm@uwec.edu to get started. You do not need to sign up on Volunteer Local until you've worked with Taylor. 

STAFF: To search for ideal UWEC staff roles, please put 'LEAD' in the search bar when using the Volunteer Local sign-up. While all jobs are needed and certainly available, our LEAD roles are perfect for those who know UWEC. LEAD roles include customer service, Volunteer Headquarters check-in, and Volunteer floaters.

  • Volunteer Local: This Volunteer Link will be the location where the full listing of volunteer opportunities will live. This is the location for faculty and staff to also sign up for available shifts. 
  • Volunteer TrainingOnce you sign up to volunteer, you will be sent a confirmation email to a NCUR Volunteer Canvas Course (open in March) with directions and short training specific to the tasks they chose. They will complete the training with a quiz. All training must be completed prior to your shifts.  
  • NCUR Service-Learning: Student volunteers can earn up to 30 hours of Service-Learning by volunteering for NCUR. All information regarding the process can be found at the UWEC Service-Learning Website by searching NCUR in proposals.  
  • Free T-Shirt: Volunteers will all get a free T-shirt and a badge that must be worn for all shifts. 
  • Attend NCUR for free: Volunteers will also have the opportunity to participate in many parts of the conference with their badge, including research presentations by other UWEC students, campus fun, special sessions, futures fair and the final plenary session with Dr. Tayo Sanders, an Eau Claire Alum.  
  • Chance to win: For every completed shift, volunteers will be entered into a drawing to win prizes!  

Volunteer T-Shirts and badges may be picked up in the Volunteer Headquarters in Phillips 007 during the conference (prior to your shift).

UWEC Faculty and Instructional Staff Opportunities

We are relying on faculty and instructional academic staff to make NCUR 2023 a success! All employees will use the same Volunteer Local Link but will use the passcode "moderator" and complete a canvas NCUR Volunteer Training Course. Because we encourage faculty and AIS to volunteer as session moderators, we ask that you use the passcode "moderator" when signing up on Volunteer Local and this will show you only the moderator jobs. Moderator shifts are usually an hour and so we hope you will sign up for a few of these. When not working a shift, everyone working the conference may use their "volunteer" badge to attend all of the conference except food lines and Thursday/Friday Plenary Speakers. 

Moderate a Session

There are endless volunteer opportunities for groups, classes, and individuals. These opportunities are broken into four categories: NCUR Fairs/Session, Community Engagement/Excursions, Hospitality and Lead Volunteers. Shifts vary in length from one to five hours. 

Provide Alternate Instruction on April 13-14, 2023 

Volunteer Local Link and please use code: MODERATOR. 

Encourage Students to Volunteer 

There are endless volunteer opportunities for groups, classes, and individuals. These opportunities are broken into four categories: NCUR Fairs/Session, Community Engagement/Excursions, Hospitality and Lead Volunteers. Shifts vary in length from one to five hours. 

Provide Alternate Instruction on April 13-14, 2023 

There will be no face-to-face classes held Thursday and Friday, April 13-14 since classrooms will be in use for NCUR 2023 sessions. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has provided a course you can take to help you develop virtual assignments during NCUR. The course is called Teaching Boost Course-NCUR (virtual) and this self-paced, asynchronous course will take approximately two to four hours to complete and will be open through April 17. Learn more.   

If you require students to attend the conference as part of an assignment, the best way for them to do so is as a volunteer (more information below). Volunteers can use their badge to attend all parts of the conference (except for food lines and Thursday-Friday Plenary Speakers). We want students to attend NCUR 2023 and prefer that they volunteer for a shift (or two) to gain access to the conference. Please encourage your students to volunteer for a few hours for NCUR 2023!  For students unable to volunteer, a number of observer passes (at a 5.00 expense to UWEC) will be made available closer to April. Students may not attend the conference if they are not registered as a presenter, volunteer, or observer. 

Offer Extra Credit for Students to Volunteer at NCUR 2023 

All volunteers must check in and check out at the volunteer headquarters for each shift they work. If you would like to offer extra credit for your students to volunteer for NCUR, we can provide confirmation of their completed shifts. Just send your extra credit assignment and class list to Karen Morris and she will send you the confirmation of completed shifts of your students after the conference. 

Promote NCUR 2023  

We’ve created several NCUR 2023 promotional materials for you to use as you begin your semester and interact with students/organizations: 

UWEC Alumni & Eau Claire Community Member Opportunities

We would love to include our alumni and Eau Claire Community members as part of the NCUR 2023 Conference. The Volunteer Local site is accessible to the individuals outside of UWEC as will be the training course (opening March 1). We are especcially looking for community members to volunteer to help with Friday's Downtown Event: Crossing the Bridge | 5:00pm-10:00pm.  
